Collection: Hot Tub filters

HotTub Filters

Hidden away inside your hot tub is a special piece of equipment that keeps your water clean and acts as your first line of defence against muck – your hot tub filters. It’s an essential piece of kit if you want any sort of protection against dirt, lotions, and oils that might damage your spa experience.

Choose the right filter for hot tub lovers from our selection to keep your BuenoSpa hot tub functioning efficiently.

How Hot Tub Filters Work

We’ve touched on what filters deliver already – efficient water filtration for hot tubs. They act as the shields that keep your hot tub functioning properly. Water passes through the filter, which traps non-water particles as they attempt to pass so they don’t flow back into your BuenoSpa hot tub.

 Are you curious about how hot tub filters keep water clean? Most modern hot tub filters are cartridges that slow easily into your hot tub, allowing you to pull them out, clean them, and even replace them in minutes.

 Each cartridge has a core structure – often made using polyester – and a pleated “medium” that catches grime and muck as it attempts to pass through. Folds in the medium expand its surface area, meaning a bigger medium leads to a cleaner hot tub.

But cartridges aren’t the only filters available to you. There are others, including:

Sand Filters – Spherical containers holding sand that catches muck. These are usually placed outside your hot tub and require regular cleaning and refreshing.
Ceramic Filters – Far less maintenance-heavy than sand filters, these are long-lasting hot tub filters built using the titular material. As long as you clean them semi-regularly, they’ll last for years.


Benefits of BuenoSpa Hot Tub Filters

Why choose BuenoSpa’s high-quality hot tub filters ahead of any other on the market? The answer is simple – they’re easily the best filters for BuenoSpa hot tubs for the following reasons:

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CleanWater at All Times

Bacteria is the scourge of your hot tub experience. It takes just two or three days to prosper when you don’t have the right filter in place and it’ll turn your hot tub into a no-go zone. Our high-quality hot tub filters eliminate the bacteria bother. Get a pleasant and safe soaking experience with your friends at BuenoSpa.

EnhancedFilter Durability and Efficiency

Hot Tub Filter Maintenance Tips

Need to know how to clean hot tub filters? Follow these handy steps:

Step 1 – Flip the isolator switch and pull your filter out of your hot tub.
Step 2 – Rinse the filter under clean water – we recommend using a hose – to get rid of big pieces of debris.
Step 3 – Fill a small dish with a hot tub cleaning solution and pop the filter inside for at least eight hours.
Step 4 – Remove the filter from the solution, give it a rinse, and allow it to dry before reinserting it into your BuenoSpa hot tub.

Following these basic hot tub filter maintenance steps will prevent you from falling victim to common filter problems. Excess dirt and filter clogging won’t be problems as long as you go through these steps every three months. But eventually, you’ll need a new filter. How often to replace hot tub filters? We recommend once per year as long as you stick to the right maintenance schedule.

Replacement Options for BuenoSpa Hot Tub Filters

Let’s say your year is up and you need to find some replacement hot tub filters. We make affordable hot tub filter replacement easy with several options that guarantee optimal performance for longer.

Finding the right filter is simple – just check the filter’s name and you’ll see which BuenoSpa hot tub for which it’s designed. Match the name to your hot tub and you’re ready to go with your replacement.

Keep Your BuenoSpa Hot Tub in Top Condition

Hot tub and spa filters are so much more than little accessories. They keep your water clean and, more importantly, safe for human use. That cleanliness keeps your BuenoSpa hot tub running longer and ensures you have the best possible experience as you luxuriate.

Where can you find the best hot tub filters for clean water? Right here at BuenoSpa. We make hot tub filters for optimal performance - explore our collection and check out our manuals if you need a hot tub filter replacement guide.